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Data Science
Text, Web and Social Media Mining
data science text web social media mining
  04.02.2021 - 09.02.2021
   MAMPU, Cyberjaya

This course helps business professional to discover/identify business growth opportunities and hidden business information which include customers buying preference, products selling pattern, external environment factors and other internal business factors through analyzing current business data without heavily investing in expensive data analytics software

Course Objective

  1. Mengenal pasti teknik pemprosesan data tidak berstruktur;
  2. Mengubah data teks kepada format yang berstruktur;
  3. Menggunakan kaedah pemprosesan teks statistik yang berbeza;
  4. Melaksana klasifikasi teks dan text clustering; dan
  5. Melaksanakan tugasan dalam media sosial seperti analisis sentimen atau opinion mining.

Course Outcomes

  1. Understand concepts of data science
  2. Perform ETL (extract, transform, loop) process using Excel
  3. Using statistical methods to perform descriptive analysis
  4. Construct predictive models for different data applications 
  5. Visualize the data using graphical techniques
  6. Develop dashboard using ActiveX Control and VBA Pivot Chart

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Data Analytics
    • What is Data Analysis and Analytics?
    • Data Science Process and Skill Sets
    • Analytics Hierarchy and Types
    • Basic Domains Use Analytics
    • About Big Data
    • The CRISP-DM Model
  2. Get Started with Developer, Add-Ins and VBA
    • Enabling Developer Tab and Macros
    • Download Add-Ins for Excel
    • Introducing Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)


Kemaskini : 20 Januari 2025